Sunday, August 29, 2010

Grandpa Norm and Grandma Bev Visit

This weekend, Ian met Grandpa Norm and Grandma Bev. Dad and Bev stayed at the Hotel Shattuck, which is also where Shannon and I stayed the night of our wedding. I wish I had taken more photos of Dad and Bev with Ian, but I did manage to get a couple of cute pictures.

Today (Sunday, August 29, 2010) we went to Barney's Gourmet Burgers. This was Ian's second visit to Barney's, and once again Ian was a very good boy! I wish I had some pictures of that, but I forgot my camera. Sorry!

P. S. The picture at right was taken today! That's pretty much what our little guy looks like right now. Well, he's asleep right now, but if he were awake he might look just like that.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ian's New Rattle

Mommy bought Ian a new rattle. Watch Ian enjoy his first toy! I divided the video into two parts:

Part One:

Part Two:

This video is from August 16th, 2010. Ian was exactly two months old! Chronology alert! This video was taken exactly one week before the one in the previous post.

Ian's Anatomy Lesson

I'm teaching Ian what the different parts of his body are called! He seems to really like this game...or maybe he just likes the silly voice I always use when we play it.

By the way, this was taken on Monday...just three days ago. The baby blog is nearly up-to-date! Ian was nearly ten weeks old.

Interview with an IMP

I have no idea why these big spaces appear before tables. Anyone familiar with HTML?

Here's another video in which I try to get Ian to talk. This was taken on August 14th, when Ian was 8 and a half weeks old.

You'll see that he's pretty good at sitting up by himself (propped up on a pillow). Watch those kicking and punching limbs! Shannon's probably still got bruises from when this guy was beating on her from the inside.

What does Ian dream about?

Ian has a one track mind. Well, maybe two tracks. Possibly three. But certainly not more than four. Watch Ian's mouth closely as he sleeps. What is it, you ask? It's the stuff that dreams are made of.

Now that's a nice swaddle!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nice Try

Sometimes the photo you want just won't happen. That's okay because who doesn't like bloopers? Here are several tries at a nice portrait of Mommy and Ian.

Take one: Mommy and Ian are a little blurry. Little did I know, this was the best I was going to get.

Take two: Mommy pretends to eat baby Ian. Ian uses his blurring defense.

Take three: Mommy unblurs herself and Ian's head starts to spin like a top.

Next, Mommy and Daddy want to show off how well Ian can stand up. He's such a strong boy!

Take one: Ian's head is vibrating or something.

Take two: Whoops! Ian's face is crystal clear, but his head's not in the game. Consequently, he is ever so slightly off balance.

Take three: Oh, no! Mommy and Daddy are drunk with the glorious notion of Ian standing or even walking at age seven weeks. Tragically, we push him too hard and our poor little guy buckles under the pressure.

All these photos are from August 3rd, 2010.

Who's had a long night?

This sleep configuration seemed to work once.

July 31, 2010. Ian is nearly seven weeks old.

Long Time No Blog

As you may have heard, I've been working on some home improvement projects, and so I've fallen way behind in my baby-blogging. I'm sorry! I just get so absorbed in my projects.

Right now, I'm uploading videos to YouTube. I think I've got too many videos and not enough photos. I just can't keep up with all the video material.

Here are some photos of Ian from July 28th. Ian is a tad over six weeks old here.

More photos from the same day:

Ah, the videos are finished uploading! Enjoy these precious moments. Here's one where I'm trying to get Ian to talk. I experimented with uploading it in a higher-definition format. It takes a lot longer to upload, but it will be worth it if the quality is good. I'll only post pretty short videos in this format.

Here's a video of Shannon and Ian playing. Shannon is trying to get Ian to laugh on camera.