Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Our Boy in Blue

Everyone thinks their baby is the cutest, but they can't all be the cutest. That's just logic. Still, someone's baby IS actually the cutest, and I think we all secretly know who that baby is.


  1. It's no secret! Ian is the cutest baby alive!

  2. What does his shirt say? (Well, it doesn't SAY anything, you have to read it.)

    Looks like Future Allia.....?

  3. His shirt says "Future Alliance". It's a reference to the online role-playing game "World of Warcraft", which Ian is not allowed to play until he's at least 15.

  4. He is beautiful indeed. Ian radiates happy and healthy. And he sure does love Mommy and Daddy. It's a precious jewel and shows in every picture.
